The shortest distance between two people is a story - bridge the gap between us with mine.



My early years were mostly spent daydreaming through school lessons, playing rugby across the valleys of South Wales and attending family events at various relatives’ houses. And reading. Plenty of reading.

I was fascinated by the pictures, deep sea creatures, precious minerals and far-flung places contained within the leather-bound pages of my grandfather’s copy of the Reader’s Digest Great World Atlas.

This - and a healthy diet of Tolkien, Asimov, Pratchett and Banks - kindled my love for people, places and the power of ideas to shape entire worlds. The stories I read on paper fed the stories I created in my own head, bleeding through my pen into school assignments and exams.

As I grew, I studied a little and worked my way through most service industries. I even completed a plumbing apprenticeship. I still enjoyed playing rugby, but I felt discontent. Nothing had grabbed my full attention, and my life felt listless.

Then, the stars aligned. I went to Spain and met a girl from Seinäjoki. I moved to Finland to be with her. I was blessed to find a country that gives people the opportunity to rediscover their passions - no matter how grey of hair or long of tooth. They even had rugby teams.

This time, I studied a lot and worked a lot too. School led to startups, to me founding a communications agency, then joining one as an employee. To our family growing by one - then two. I soaked up everything I could from the students, mentors, founders and clients I encountered. Their stories inspired me to add more chapters to my own book of tales.

Inspiring stories need telling. I realised I could do just that.